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Seminar «Modern Methods for the Analysis and Design of Slice Data, 

Quasi-Experimental and Experimental Data» will be held



The Resource Advisory Center at Abai KazNPU in cooperation with the Institute of Education of the Higher School of Economics (Russian Federation, Moscow) on June 7, 2021, at 14.00 holds an online seminar on the topic: «Modern methods of analysis and design of slice data, quasi-experimental and experimental data».

The seminar will discuss modern methods of analysis and design of slice data, quasi-experimental and experimental data. The discussion focuses on the conditions for collecting and using such data, key features and limitations.

Speaker: Chirkina Tatiana Alexandrovna, Design and Educational Laboratory «Development of Universities»

Join a Zoom meeting

Conference ID: 889 8842 6206

Access code: 818914

Undergraduates, doctoral students and all interested persons are invited!