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Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology presented diplomas to 715 graduates

On the 2nd -3rd July 2024 at the Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology of KazNPU named after Abai held "With education - into the future" solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates. The solemn event opened with a congratulatory speech of the Chairman of the board-rector of KazNPU named after Abai Bolat Tilep.

This year 715 students graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy and psychology. The total number of bachelor`s degree graduates is 478, 176 of them with honours. 207 students completed the master`s programme and received a master`s degree.

During the event several graduates were awarded letters of thanks from the rector of the university for excellent studies, active participation in community service, contribution to improving the work of the self-government organisation. Also, on behalf of the rector of the university, the graduates were given collections of words of Abai Kunanbaev`s exhortations.

The solemn event was attended by the chairman of the veterans council of the university Berikzhan Almukhambetov, vice-rector for social development Maksat Zhakauov, vice-rector for digitalisation Nurken Musabaev, dean of the faculty Galiya Abayeva and the teaching staff.

The event continued with a concert programme for the graduates.

















