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Abai University doctoral students have completed a training seminar in the field of early childhood development

From June 18 to 21, 2024, doctoral students of the 1st-3rd year of the Pre-school Education and Upbringing OP held a training seminar for specialists in the field of early childhood development on the topic "A family-oriented approach to monitoring development, early care and support for preschool children." The training seminar was organized by the Family Academy Center for Comprehensive Family Support, which is a National partner of UNICEF.

The offline course included 2 main parts: professional skills - introduction and updating of knowledge in selected thematic areas; communication skills - how to communicate with parents and guardians of children aged 0-7 years about the important role of parents in modern monitoring of early childhood development. In the seminar, doctoral students were able to gain the best practices in working with children of early and preschool age, consider issues of child-parent relations, study the specifics of the work of specialists with parents and guardians of children aged 0-7 years in the course of practical activities (solving case situations and exercises).

In the process, specialists and trainers shared valuable experience and gave the opportunity to learn more about the features of early development of children.



