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Delegation from South Korea visited the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation


On 23 February 2024, a delegation from South Korea visited the Korean Language Department at the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation. Seo Jong-kuk (International Relation Advisor, Jeonbuk State), International Exchange Advisor, North Jeolla Province, and Oh Yonge, Vice-President of Almaty Korean National Cultural Centre, as well as Director of New Projects at Shin-Line Group. The meeting was organised by the teacher of Korean language - N.S.Nam.


The guests were met by the head of the chair - N.N.Konkabaeva. She briefly told about the Korean language department opened in 2021, the number of students and available programmes.


The mayor`s office of North Jeolla province in 2024 plans to intensify efforts on cultural and educational projects with Kazakhstan. In particular, this year it plans to open free Semanggym Hangul courses (already operating in Vietnam, Laos and other countries) in Almaty for those wishing to learn Korean. These are additional opportunities and jobs for our students as future Korean language teachers. North Jeolla Province in spring 2024 plans to conclude Agreements with the largest universities of our country for joint educational and cultural projects, including with Abai KazNPU as the leading pedagogical university of Kazakhstan.


After a talk with the Head of Chair, lecturer N.S.Nam conducted a small tour of the university and also organised a small meeting with 3rd year students of speciality "6B01703-Foreign Language: two foreign languages".


Upon their return to Korea, contacts with the Chair of Oriental Philology and Translation continue through correspondence. Let`s hope for the fruits of this work for the benefit of our university and the future of our students.



