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Round table on the topic "Current issues of the concept of formation of an honest citizen in the Turkic world"


On February 8, 2024, at the organization of the Department of Political Science and Social-Philosophical Disciplines of the Institute of History and History, a round table was held on the topic "Topical issues of the concept of forming an honest citizen in the Turkic world".

The event was attended by the Vice-Rector for Research Activities of KazNPU named after Abai E.A. Buribaev, head of the department of political science and social and philosophical disciplines Zh.K. Simtikov, director of the Institute of History and Law G.K. Kenzhebayev, deputy director for scientific work M.M. Muratkazin, deputy director for educational and social work N.T. Manapov and teachers. The Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Kazakhstan Evren Muderrisoglu and Professor of the Aegean University, Doctor of Historical Sciences Mehmet Akif Erdogru made presentations.

Mehmet Akif Erdogru expressed gratitude to the university scientists and said that he was glad to cooperate with Abay KazNPU. He noted that it is necessary to pay attention to the creation of scientific platforms for the effectiveness of the goals and initiatives set. The foreign guest also shared new priority methods in the fields of education, science, and culture. During the meeting, issues of improving international academic cooperation in the areas of academic mobility of students in the specialties "Cultural studies", "Religious studies", internships for young scientists, organization of international forums, conferences and webinars with the participation of famous scientists of both sides were discussed.

Students, master`s and doctoral students took part in the round table, shared their questions and received appropriate answers.



