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Young scientists of Abai KazNPU took part in the conference in Tashkent


The North-South Political Science Center, in partnership with the Roscollaboration of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Pushkin State Institute of Russian Language, organized the conference «Intercultural Communications in the Commonwealth Space: Main trends in the context of generational change» on November 22-24 in Tashkent (Uzbekistan). The event was attended by prominent scientists from Russia, Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. Philologists of Abai KazNPU Sabirova Dina, Baybolov Alibek, Umarova Akmaral, Alimbetova Alida took part from Kazakhstan. The specifics of the conference are practice-oriented.


The topics of the master classes correspond to modern developments in the field of teaching and learning the language: «Pedagogical design in action: how science helps to create effective materials on the Russian language», «How to get a student to talk: the magic of a communicative lesson», «Make friends with artificial intelligence: modern technologies to help the teacher», «Prospects and strategy for the development of Russian-language journalism in the CIS countries».


The program included trainings, master classes and business games in the field of learning the Russian language. Young scientists have gained a lot of experience in participating in such events. In addition, active participation in master classes will allow you to share knowledge with students at lectures.

