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Memorandum of cooperation signed


On April 19, 2023, a memorandum of cooperation on the establishment of cultural relations was signed between Abay KazNPU and "Alatau" Theatre of Traditional Arts under the Department of Culture of Almaty. The document was signed by Nuraliev Maksat, acting director of the theatre, and Bilyalov Darhan, rector of the university.


The meeting was also attended by theatre director Nurzhan Tutov and head of the literary department Ardak Orazgaliuly.

The Memorandum of Understanding stipulates mutually beneficial agreements aimed at increasing the interest in theatrical life and shaping creative activities of the university students, and will promote joint projects and programs, socially significant cultural events, including productions, master classes, trainings, festivals, exhibitions, contests and others.


According to the decision of the bilateral agreement the stage "Theatrical performance" of the Republican festival of the student theatres "The student zhane Sakhn" planned on April 21-22 will take place in the theatre "Alatau".


At the end of the meeting guests from the theatre were introduced to the museum of our university. The guests highly appreciated the equipment of the handicrafts department of the museum.


Darkhan Bilyalov has expressed special gratitude to the management of theatre "Alatau" which has supported signing of the memorandum on cooperation, and has expressed the big confidence in efficiency of joint activity.







