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Accounting and Reporting Department
    Nurbaeva Moldir Gabitovna
    Head of planning and economic department

    Dostyk ave.13, office. 215

    The Planning and Economic Department is a structural subdivision of the Financial and Economic Department.

    The main tasks of the planning and economic department are: planning and organization of university funding, drawing up annual estimates of revenues and expenditures for all types of activities in the context of programs, compiling economically justified calculations of educational and other services provided by the university, forming a university staffing table, determining the form of payment and material stimulating labor, determining the main indicators of the effectiveness of the university by analyzing the sources of formation assets and financial independence of the university.


    Main functions of the department:

    - The functions of the planning and economic department are:

    - Preparation, calculation of the number of teaching staff, teaching auxiliary, administrative and management personnel;

    - Realization of the analysis of incomes and expenses of structural divisions of university for definition of factor of profitableness and profitability of work of departments;

    - University budgeting and monitoring of its implementation;

    - Monthly analysis of income and expenditure estimates;

    - Preparation of reports on the results of financial and economic activities of the university;

    - Participation in the preparation and implementation (together with other divisions) of contracts concluded with legal entities and individuals;

    - Interaction with employees of tax and financial services for the purpose of prompt resolution of problem situations;

    - Interaction with banks servicing university accounts.