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Cycle of classes in the discipline «Cloud Technologies» using the principles of dual learning

From 19 to 26 April 2022 Acting Professor at the Department of Informatics and Informatization of Education of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics S.N. Koneva, head of the network technology and network administration A.P. Dobrovolsky, Acting head of the Center for advanced training and distance learning D. Esenuly conducted a series of classes in the discipline «Cloud technology» for 2nd year students major «6B06102-information systems.

This cycle included a lecture-excursion on «Private Cloud Deployment Technologies», practical sessions «Private Cloud Deployment Technologies», «Deployment of LMS Moodle». Doctoral students G.Gaziz and K.Bedelov, whose research themes are connected with network technologies: server operating systems, cloud technologies, also took part in the training event.

Organization of such classes allows to realize principles of dual training, gives opportunity for students to get acquainted with real network technologies in practice. The experience of classes can be useful for such disciplines as Computer Networks, Computer Systems, Networks and Telecommunications, Web-technologies, Cloud Technologies, Operating Systems, Computer Network Administration, Fundamentals of Web-programming, Computer Networks, Internet and Multimedia Technologies.

The obtained photo and video materials, video recording of Zoom classes provide additional visual learning materials for organizing the training of students and undergraduates both online and offline, as well as in blended learning environments.