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Professor Gulmira Abzalkhanovna Kazhigaliyeva is reviewer of the thesis of Kuvatova Gulzira Abibukirovna «Representation of futural semantics in modern Russian language (on the material of postmodern literature)», presented for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in specialty 6D011800 - Russian language and literature.

Professor Bakitgul Sakenovna Zhumagulova is reviewer for the thesis study of M.M. Aimagambetova «The functioning of the transformed phraseological units in the headlines of Kazakhstan newspapers and news sites», submitted for the PhD degree in specialty 6D020500-Philology on the methodical seminar of KazNPU named after Abay.

Associate Professor Zaure Asetovna Umirzakova is reviewer for the textbook «Modern Russian language. Phonetics. Lexicology. Word formation. Morphology. Speech» of associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Aytkazina T.T., associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences Balgazina B.S., associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Kazabeeva V.A., associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Nurakhunova G.M., associate professor, candidate of philological sciences Toktarova T.Z., May 25, 2018.

Associate professor Almagul Dildinovna Maimakova is reviewer for the thesis «Composites in the artistic text» of the 4th year student «5В011800 - Russian Language and Literature» G. Urazalieva. (supervisor of studies is candidate of philological sciences, professor KazNPU Eglit L.V.).

Associate professor Almagul Dildinovna Maimakova is reviewer for the thesis «Using jargon in the modern press» of 4th year student of the specialty «5B012200 - Russian Language and Literature in Schools with Non-Russian Language of Learning» Askarova B. (supervisor, doctor of philological sciences, professor Shaybakova D.D.).

Associate professor Almagul Dildinovna Maimakova is reviewer for the research work «New professions in the modern world and their names» of the pupil of 9 «B» class of GKU of the secondary school No. 13 named after M. Makatayev, Otygen Batyr village of the Ili district of Almaty region Kabidolla Miras (supervisor Sanatova I.). Work on the regional round was recommended for submission to the Republican contest of students` scientific projects.

Associate professor Almagul Dildinovna Maimakova is reviewer for the article of Aubakirova B. «The problem of the vitality of the languages of ethnic minorities in Kazakhstan» for recommendation for publication in the magazine «Ad maiora natus sum. Człowiek na skrzyżowaniu materialno-duchowych wyzwań współczesności» (Poland, 2018).