қазақша · русский · english
 Akhmetov Bakitzhan Srazhatdinovich
Director of the Department of Informatization of Education
Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor
Dostyk ave.13, office. 424

The Center for advanced training and distance education of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai operates on the basis of the University Charter, the regulations on the Center and reports directly to the first pro-rector.


The main objectives of the Center:
- creation of an effective system for improving the professional and pedagogical skills of the teaching staff of the universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- increasing the efficiency and quality of training specialists by using the opportunities of distance technologies in the educational process.


Tasks of the Center:

In the field of advanced training:
1.Development of new educational programs for advanced training reflecting changes in the content of higher pedagogical and secondary education.
2.Create a new trend of advanced training of educators, reflecting the current world trends in education.
3.To influence the level of professional and pedagogical training of university teachers and secondary education teachers and, as a consequence, the quality of education of students in secondary and technical and vocational education.
4.Means of advanced training of teachers to improve the rating of Kazakhstani education in international comparative studies TIMSS, PISA, PIRLS.


In the field of distance education:
- development of accelerated educational programs for bachelor`s degree (second higher education and on the basis of secondary specialized education), magistracy and doctoral studies using distance learning technology;
- information and marketing support of educational programs for bachelor`s, master`s and doctoral studies, including using remote marketing tools;
- organization of admission to the master`s educational programs and accelerated bachelor`s programs (second higher education and on the basis of secondary specialized education), magistracy and doctoral studies;
- information, software and technical support of all educational programs at the university using remote technologies.
- organization of advanced training using remote educational technologies;
- implementation of blended learning technology to improve the efficiency and quality of the educational process due to the synergetic effect of the possibilities of distance technologies with the advantages of traditional forms of instruction;
- reduction of financial expenses for providing the educational process.