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Attention! Competition!


Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University announces a competition for filling the vacant position of director of the Department of International Cooperation.

Requirements for the candidate: higher education, a degree of at least a master`s degree, availability of certificates confirming the language qualification (IELTS at least 6.5 or TOEFL at least 543), work experience of at least 5 years, fluency in English, Kazakh and Russian. Knowledge of other languages (French, Chinese) is welcome.

An experienced user of the Microsoft Office software package, including Excel, Power Point, Word, Outlook. Work experience on international academic programs Erasmus +, Mevlana, Fulbright, Horizon, DAAD, USСO is also preferable.

Additional Information:
Knowledge in the areas of:

- the basics of project and strategic management;
- principles of planning / forecasting, conducting SWOT analysis.

- writing analytical materials, conclusions;
- reasoned defense of one`s position.

- prioritize in accordance with strategic goals, highlight primary goals and objectives;
- timely resolve complex problems and issues;
- work in multitasking and tight deadlines;
- competently build partnerships and interaction with partner universities.

Desirable personal qualities: initiative; critical thinking; teamwork; high communicative qualities; ability to build trust, negotiate, convince; team management; stress resistance; punctuality and accuracy in the execution of instructions; openness to the new (continuous development); ability to distribute attention, multitasking; the presence of professional achievements and a positive reputation in previous jobs.


A person applying for the competition will submit the following documents within the period specified in the notice:

1) application addressed to the rector of the university;

2) a personal account sheet;

3) freely written autobiography;

4) Copy of diplomas of higher education, scientific and academic degree, academic title (the original for verification);

5) a copy of the identity document;

6) Copies of professional development certificates (if any);

7) list of scientific works and inventions (last 5 years);

8) fluorography, copy of medical book;

9) statement on availability or absence of conviction.


Documents acceptance for participation in competition is carried out till November 1, 2019.


Documents are accepted at the following address: 13, Dostyk Avenue, Almaty.


Human Resources Department (room № 102A), from 9am to 6pm.


Contact phones: 8 (727) 291-34-35, 291-18-29