қазақша · русский · english
 Isalieva Saule Temirbaevna
Senior Lecturer
Kazybek Bi str, 30


The Office for International Scientific and Cultural Relations is occupied with the provision of strong international relations of Kazakh National Pedagogical University and carries out activities in the field aimed at strengthening the scientific, research, educational and cultural potential of the university.


The main goal of the Office is organization of activities to develop cooperation with foreign universities and other organizations working in the field of higher education and science, information also analytical and organizational support for international activities in the field of international higher education, and the facilitation of the internationalization of the educational process and scientific activity.


Main functions of the Office:
- to initiate and implement events at the university and abroad, contributing to the establishment and development of international partnerships;
- to prepare and monitor contracts and other documents on cooperation with foreign universities and organizations;
- to participate in the preparation of information and presentation related to the development of international relations;
- to conduct recruiting of foreign citizens for training at the university and assistance in the filing of advisory and organizational applications, settlement, registration;
- organization of the process of work with foreigners and their stay at the university on the issues of international relations.