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Counseling in Hostel


On 21 December, 2018, while on duty at the hostel No. 3, Zinaida Polyak, an assistant professor of the Russian Language and Literature Department, held a consultation on preparing for the exam. The first year students will have to take a test on the subject «Introduction to Philology». Some difficult questions cleared up after a conversation with the teacher.

The conversation was not limited to preparing for the exam. Students are interested in the upcoming educational practice, they think about the choice of topic for scientific work, and about their future in the profession of a teacher. Such informal meetings allow teachers to establish trusting relationships with their wards, to better understand their interests.




Event devoted to the Independence Day


On December 6, 2018, the Department of «Russian Language and Literature» together with the Academy of the Border Guard Service of the National Security Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan held a festive event dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The holiday was opened by an intellectual game in which students from various specialties of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education took part. The history, culture and literature of Kazakhstan - all these topics were voiced during the competition of the game participants. The fight of the captains of the teams in the art of rhetoric, insightful essays on the theme «My native land» also aroused the sincere interest of the audience.

The holiday continued with a concert program in which philology students and our cadets also performed. Friendship of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University students and cadets has been lasting for several years. For the opportunity of meeting, for creative inspiration, the head of the department Saule Abisheva thanked the young participants of the holiday, and their mentors, Galina Kadyrova and Zaure Umirzakova, and a graduate of our doctoral program, teacher of the Academy, Major Olga Zaginaiko.



















Day of the First President


On 30 November, 2018 at the Chair of the Russian language and literature held a holiday dedicated to the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

An interesting and diverse scenario and genre was prepared by doctoral students of the Chair. Film about important milestones of N.A. Nazarbayev opened the evening. Numerous guests were not only listeners, but also participants of the holiday: they answered quiz questions, painted and presented colorful greeting cards addressed to our President.

The holiday was decorated with wonderful concert numbers - musical works performed on dombra by students invited from other universities of Almaty.






City as a gift


On November 11, 2018, students of the 1st course with their adviser Galina Kadyrova went on a four-hour tour of Almaty. Among today`s students there are a lot of guys from different regions of Kazakhstan.


During the tour they got acquainted with the sights of our city, from the guide learned about the history of Almaty and visited the Park of the First President, Medeo and Koktobe at night.


There are many impressions, but discoveries are just beginning!




First course at the Opera and Ballet Theater

On 2 November, 2018, students of the 1st course of the specialty «5В011800 - Russian Language and Literature» with their adviser Galina Kadyrova visited Abai Kazakh State Academic Theater of Opera and Ballet. The students watched two one-act ballets: «Carmen-Suite» (J. Bizet - R. Shchedrin) and «Scheherazade» (N. Rimsky-Korsakov). Students admitted that the impressions of the performance in the theater are much brighter and more varied than from ballet on television.




Discussing the President`s Message


On 19 October, 2018, the Message of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan was discussed at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education.

The discussion was prepared by the students of the 1st course of the specialty "5В0118800 - Russian language and literature" under the guidance of their advisors. The presentations of the first-year students included those sections of the Address that deal with the problems of education. On the living and interesting examples from their own experience, the students showed why it is necessary to improve the quality of preschool education; what are the benefits of a new system for assessing knowledge in high school?; how the requirements for the quality of training in higher education will be increased.

Particularly relevant for future teachers was the proposal of the Head of State to develop and adopt the Law "On the Status of the Teacher" next year.

The fascination with the topic, the young enthusiasm of the speakers and at the same time the meaningfulness and maturity of the speeches created a wonderful atmosphere of creative interest in the audience. The tasks set in the President`s Address will be ours!




1st course students at a theatrical performance


On 12 October, 2018, students of the 1st course of the specialty «Russian language and literature» visited M.Yu. Lermontov State Academic Russian Drama Theater and watched the play of the Polish playwright Tadeusz Slobodzyanek «Our class. History in 14 lessons».

On the stage - boys and girls of the same class, in which yesterday`s friends turn into deadly enemies. This is not only the story that happened during World War II in a small Polish town. It is a metaphor for a world in which intolerance and hatred reign.

About difficult lessons of history with today`s young people, the director and actors speak by the language of the theater. Our students learn to understand this language.



The first course begins - and wins!


On 28 September, 2018 at the Department of Russian Language and Literature was a festive mood. On the eve of the Teacher`s Day, 1st year students congratulated their teachers. In the concert sincere songs were sounded in Russian and Kazakh languages. Freshmen demonstrated their talents in reciting their own poems, in dancing and cheerful competitions. A wonderful atmosphere of the holiday was supported by senior students who gladly welcomed a new generation of future philologists.

To warm words of gratitude, addressed to the teachers, by cordial parting words to the freshmen answered the head of the Department Saule Abisheva. Creative grow and become our worthy replacement she wished to future teachers.










Holiday of the revival


Students of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education and cadets of the Academy of Border service of the NSCof Kazakhstan organized a concertin honor of Naury on the 30th March, 2018.


PhD doctor and major Olga Zaginailo is a graduater of doctoral studies in the Chair of the Russian language and literature and now she isteachingat the Academy. She prepared the meeting with the young teachers of the Chair of the Russian language and literature Malika Aimagambetova and Elmira Janybekova.


Friendship of student-philologists and cadet-borderguards are creative and fruitful: work on the script of the evening, concert performances with songs and dances, fun contests - all of this allows to our students not only to relax, but also to learn how to creatively approach to any work,and it helps to acquire organizational skills. These abilities will help For future officers and for future teachers in their professional work.










Day of laughter


On the 1st April of 2018 the students of the 1st year gathered for the traditional feast - Day of laughter in the 3rd hostel. In this time the funny contest was prepared by the associate Professor of the Chair of the Russian language and literature Zinaida N. Polyak. Tasks to the coordination movements, linguistic riddles, funny poems and songs were so interstresting to the the girls, that all night in the rest room was hearing the laughter of the students. Study, of course, - the main thing, but don`t forget the folk wisdom: who knows how to work, will know how to have fun!




Discussion of the " President`s five social initiatives»


The Chair of the Russian language and literature had the discussion of the Nursultan A. Nazarbayev`s performance in the joint session of Parliament chambers in Astana on the 14th March, 2018.


The Head of state listed five initiatives aimed at social modernization.


The report was made by docent Elena Lomova, who outlined the content of"Five steps of growth." Students and teachers reacted with a great interest to the topic of the discussion, because each of the initiatives of the President are the vitally important problemsfor all Kazakh people.


During the discussion of the report, it was said that the government of Kazakhstan is already developing aRoadmap plan for the implementation of " President`sfive social initiatives".





Discussion of the Nation Address of the President


The 2nd year students of the specialties "Russian language and literature", "Russian language and literature in schools with non-Russian language of teaching"(advisors Damina D. Shaibakova and ManatSh. Mussataeva) discussed the Nation Addresses with the concept of education, presented in different years by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan A. Nazarbayevon the 14th of February, 2018.


Professor Damina D. Shibakova made a report on the theme "Problems of education in the Nation Addresses of the President N. Nazarbayev in different years". Future teachers noted that everything that planned in the program of the President, consistently implemented. The students talked about the prospects of development of Kazakhstan`s education, about the processes in which they will participate.



The celebration continues

The Department of Russian language and literature performed a festive evening dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on December 11, 2017. The guests of the celebration were cadets of the PS Academy of the NSC of the RK .

It wasn`t the first time, when we made an activity with cadets. Between the Academy and Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai was established a productive partnership in the educational work. The meeting were prepared by teacher of the Academy, PhD, major Olga Zaginaiko with the young teachers of the Department of Russian language and literature Malika Aimagambetova and Elmira Janysbekova.
Photos from the evening can help to imagine the gala and festive atmosphere. In the concert program were participated cadets and undergraduate students, who showed their creative talents in performing, in singing, in acting and in dancing.

Head of the Department of Russian language and literature Saule Abisheva in her warm concluding speech noted the citizenship and patriotism of young participants and heartily thanked the guests and the hosts of this remarkable meeting.












A celebration in honor of the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The Department of Russian language and literature organized event "Тәуелсіздік - тұғырым" dedicated to the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the 8th of December in 2017.

The concert was prepared by a group of undergraduates of the 1st course of specialty 6М012200 under the direction of their advisor professor A. K. Kazkenova.

Participants of the concert created a real merry atmosphere with their own prepared videos about the achievements of the country, with songs about the Homeland, with tunes in dombra, Kazakh folk dance which was followed by the reading of poetry. The audience applauded the scene dedicated to the dramatic event on December 1986. In the concert scenario were blended the national traditions of the Kazakh people: suinshi and shashu. And in the final, the song "Zhasa Kazakhstan» was picked up by all the audience.

Youth of KazNPU named after Abai met the Independence Day with a joyful mood!












The meeting with the writer

Modern Kazakh writers and poets are frequent visitors of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai. Students of the Institute of Philology and multilingual education participated in the creative meetings with Bakhyt Kairbekov, Umit Tazhikenova, Lilya Kalaus.

Famous Kazakhstani writer Ilya Odegov was the guest of our meeting by invitation of the 2nd year group of the master degree. 


Lovers of modern literature are familiar with this name. Ilya Odegov is the author of books, which were published in Kazakhstan and Moscow publishing houses, stories, which were published in Russian magazines as "Новый мир" and "Дружба народов", he is the winner of the prestigious literary awards and diplomat of the international literary competitions.

Students, undergraduates and teachers of the Russian language and literature Department had a lot of questions to the guest. Because I. Odegov isn`t only a writer, but also a translator, musician and teacher of a literary skill. Ilya Andreyevich answered the questions sincerely, interesting and humorous, having conquered the audience with his charm as talented and friendly person.

Young linguists, some of them, who are aspiring writers and young researchers of contemporary Kazakhstan literature, received from this meeting the unobtrusive moral lesson and creative impetus for their own work.





Science fiction is a guest at the "Magic Lamp" сlub

On 13 November, 2017 lovers of literature gathered at the meeting of the club "Magic Lamp" in the student dormitory №3. Associate Professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature Z.N. Polyak told the students 1 and 2 courses about the mysteries of the unknown in the works of science fiction.
Plots of works by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky and John Wyndham`s novel "The Day of the Triffids" (in the translation of Arkady Strugatsky) fascinated listeners with their unusual and philosophical depth. Now admirers of the genre of science fiction have increased!


Book club "Magic lamp"

The book is an amazing thing! When you open it, it opens you.
This wonderful discovery was made by the students of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education. They want to revive interest in literature and reading among their peers. So there was a literary club "Magic lamp". The founders of the club and the initiators of the idea were the 2nd year course students of the specialty "Russian Language and Literature" Aruzhan Mutalkhanova and Aibarsha Orynbasarova.
The debut of the club took place on 2 November , 2017. The first meeting took place in the Halloween style. On such literary evenings, students who have creative talents - theatrical, musical, artistic - will be able to prove themselves.
We wish the new literary club interesting creative discoveries!