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The teaching staff of the department takes part in the development of scientific projects at the international and university levels, as well as executors of projects carried out under the grant of the university rector.
1) Candidate of philological sciences Alibaeva M.S. with teachers of adjacent departments participated in the International project: «Karapayim tіldіk sananyn ereksheliktery zhane ony leksikografiyalau»; associate professor Shakharman G.P., candidate of philological sciences Osmanova Z.Zh. carried out the project «Zhogary mekteptin filologiya bilim zhuiesyn akparattandyru».
2) Under the guidance of the Ph.D., professor G.A. Kazhigaliyeva, the collective of Russian language specialists worked on the following projects:
1. «Innovative foundations of university language training in the multilingual educational conditions of the Republic of Kazakhstan» under the program «Grant of the rector KazNPU named after Abay on fundamental and applied research for 2012». 6 performers: Ph.D., professor G.A. Kazhigaliyeva, doctor of philological sciences, associate professor Zhumagulova B.S., candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Kadyrova G.R., candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Maimakova A.D., candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Utesbayeva Zh.M., senior teacher Tokhtamova R.K.
The result is the textbook for students of Kazakh departments of pedagogical universities «Handbook on the Culture of Russian Speech.» - Almaty: publishing house «Ulagat» KazNPU named after Abai, 2013. - 324 p.
2. «Scientific and methodological foundations of the language training of the future subject teacher in the conditions of the credit system of education».
3) Candidates of philological sciences, associate professors Kadyrova G.R. and Maimakova A.D., teacher Sholtai S.S., 2013 (April) - 2015.
Scientific project «International cultural interrelations of independent Kazakhstan with the countries of the foreign East in the context of language (linguistic) comparative studies» under the program of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan «Grant financing of scientific research for 2013-2015». Head of the project, doctor of philological sciences, professor Mirzoev K.I. (7 performers).
4) Master, teacher Sholtai S.Sh.
Scientific project «The role of interethnic harmony in the formation of new Kazakhstan patriotism in the light of the Address of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev «Strategy «Kazakhstan ¬ 2050» - a new political course of the state" by the decision of the rector of KazNPU named after Abay. About grant financing, 2014. Head of the project, doctor of philological sciences, Professor Mirzoev K.I. (4 performers).

5) During the academic year 2017/2018, the project «Competence-communicative model of language training of future subject teachers in polylingual educational conditions in Kazakhstan» was won, funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Scientific project АР05130793 (Minutes of the meeting of the National Scientific Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the priority area «Scientific foundations of «Mangilik El» (formation of the 21st century, fundamental and applied research in the humanities)» No. 1, January 17, 2018). The scientific supervisor of the project is professor R.A. Shakhanova. The project includes the following members of the department: professor G.A. Kazhigaliyeva, professor Zhumagulova B.S., associate professor Maimakova A.D., associate professor Kadyrova G.R. (10 performers).