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Webinar «Miracle of Kazakhstan, which we do not know about»

On October 18, 2021, at the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU on the Zoom platform, a webinar was held on the topic «The Miracle of Kazakhstan, which we do not know about» with students of the first group of the 3rd year of the specialty «5B010100-Preschool education and upbringing». The event was held by the Department of educational programs for preschool, social pedagogy and self-knowledge under the guidance of Professor A. Mankesh.


The webinar was attended by lecturers, teachers of preschool organizations, undergraduates and students. Students introduced the guests to the unique sights of Kazakhstan and told about their «secret history» at a webinar conducted on the basis of the discipline «Methodology for familiarizing preschoolers with the environment». An experienced teacher of preschool organization №144 Kalibekova Gulnaz shared her experience in conducting the subject «Familiarization with the environment», answered students` questions. The participants of the event actively discussed the prepared video lesson «Updated content of education». Students expressed their appreciation for an interesting and engaging webinar based on a cognitive goal.