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Open day for graduates «Talapker-2021»

On April 2, 2021, the Institute of Natural Science and Geography organized an online Open Day for graduates «Talapker-2021».

Organizers: responsible persons of the department «Marketing», head of the department «Career Development» Saule Jamilova, manager of the department «Career Development» Gulzhanat Kamieva and educators of the Institute: Associate Professor Gulnaray Sabdenalieva, senior lecturer Gulim Zhandosova.


Participants: students of the final 11 classes of secondary schools No. 40 and named after A. Margulan of the Talgar district, named after Baizhanov of the Karasai district, No. 8, No. 47, No. 48 of the Ili district, named after R. Tokatayev of the city of Esik of Almaty region and No. 56 of the city of Taraz.


At the Open Day «Talapker-2021», the head of the «Marketing» department Albina Beikitova spoke about the achievements of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography, about specialized disciplines in educational programs, the head of career guidance work Zhanar Zhaksibayeva told about the list of necessary documents for admission and the benefits of Abai KazNPU, responsible person of the «Marketing» department Erlan Birtalaev told about creative exams and admission to the military department.


At this event, the 3rd-year PhD student Sagyndyk Nursultan demonstrated a master class on solving problems that will come to the UNT for students who have chosen the subject «Chemistry». Teacher Nurzhan Abzerov spoke about the methodological guidelines for performing contextual assignments entering the UNT in the subject «Geography».


During the event, students asked questions about the university, profile disciplines, threshold points, specialities and received comprehensive answers.