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Meeting of the delegation of KazNPU with the Head of Education Centre Embassy of the South Korea in RK


On March 03, 2021, the members of the delegation of Abai KazNPU, including the Director of the Department for International Engagement Marzhan Tajiyeva, Director of the Institute for Philology and Multilingual Education Alua Tanzharikova, Deputy Director on science Almas Naimanbayev and the head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation Studies Prof.Kulsun Abdrakhmanova, upon the initiative of the Education Centre of Republic of Korea met with the Director of the Centre, Mr. Kim Taewhan to discuss the opening of the programme "Korean language and literature" at the Abai KazNPU.


Mr. Kim Taewhan introduced the delegation to the key areas of the Centre`s activities. The delegation of Abai KazNPU also provided information on the activities and achievements of the university.


Earlier, Abai KazNPU sent an official letter to the Education Centre Embassy of the Republic of Korea in RK to provide support in attracting teachers who are native speakers of the Korean language and in providing educational literature for future students of a new specialty.


During the meeting, the parties discussed the educational programme "Korean Language and Literature", the preparation and involvement of teaching staff in the Korean language, the recruitment of new applicants for this specialty and other organizational issues.


The meeting ended with decision to prepare an official letter to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea.






Department for International Engagement