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Charity event «Honor to veterans!»


On the eve of Victory Day, May 7-11, 2020, with the support of the Department of Education, Social Work and Youth Policy of the University, the Department of Preschool Education and Social Pedagogy of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology held a charity event «Honor to Veterans!».

As part of our Victory project, the traditional action uniting the teaching staff of the University was organized by the Public Fund «Council of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, rear workers and children of war» and the head of the club «Meyrim» Gulbahira Shirinbayeva.

The charitable event was attended by the head of the Department of Pre-School Education and Social Pedagogy Ulbolsyn Kiakbayeva, Deputy Director for Science and International Relations of the Institute of Natural History and Geography Kalampyr Zhumagulova, senior teacher of the Department of teachers, organizers and primary military training Adilbek Baigaliyev, students, volunteers of the club «Meyrim».

During the action the volunteers distributed food baskets from PF «Council of veterans of WWII, rear workers and children of war», congratulated the veterans and expressed warm wishes to them by visiting 25 houses and apartments in different districts of Almaty.

In turn, the veterans thanked the volunteers for their attention, gladly shared their memories of the war and post-war years, touching not only on the events of their personal lives, but also all the people who won the bloodiest war in the history of mankind.


On behalf of all the people living on the planet today, many thanks and a deep bow to all veterans!
















Volunteer club «Meyіrіm»