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An online meeting of the rector of Abai KazNPU T. Balykbayev was held




On April 16, 2020, the rector of Abai KazNPU Takir Balykbayev held an online meeting with students, parents and teachers. The meeting was live on @abai_university Instagram.

Live Takir Balykbayev noted that a state of emergency was declared in the world and in our country because of the coronavirus, and the government took the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the epidemic. He also spoke about the work that is being done at the university in this regard. One of the important events is the transfer of educational institutions to the distance learning format.

During the meeting, questions were asked and answers were given on the problems of distance learning in the educational process, the terms and conditions of exams, discounts for studies, dissertations, internships. After the live broadcast, questions of the meeting participants were analyzed, detailed answers are given on the university website and on social networks.

«Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University since March 16, 2020, fully transferred to distance learning. Currently, students living in the hostel have returned home, only 47 foreign students live in the hostel. In the process of distance education, «Univer», «Moodle» systems and other information and communication technologies are used. During the training, teachers and students had a number of difficulties. Firstly, the lack of distance learning experience for teachers. To solve the problem, our university carried out preparatory work on the transition to distance learning, organized online webinars on distance learning platforms, gave step-by-step instructions for online learning, carried out explanatory work. Currently, teachers are building skills using optimal and diverse forms of work (video tutorials, independent work, online courses), available information and communication technologies (WhatsApp and Telegram, Zoom, Moodle, skype, email, etc.). At the same time, we protected teachers from paperwork and reporting loads.

Secondly, the issues of providing our students living in rural areas with the Internet and technical means are considered individually, and the university creates the best possible conditions».

Examinations at the summer session will be held in the form of an online test in the Proctoring system (online control of the test person). This system will also monitor compliance with the rules of academic integrity. The exam can be taken through a computer, laptop, smartphone. Now this system is being tested. Information (instructions) on online testing will be provided on the site. Examinations in creative disciplines and the defense of dissertations pass through platforms in the format of video conferencing. Theses are checked for plagiarism, proctoring is used.

During the meeting, the rector said that in connection with current conditions, it was decided to postpone tuition until the end of May, and the session can be held without paying tuition.

«We will consider applications for training benefits (based on relevant documents in accordance with established requirements). But here I would like to note that the university, in turn, pays for the work of all teachers and staff in full, and, consequently, the costs. The university makes full salary payments without sending employees on leave due to an emergency. Therefore, the university must receive full income. On the other hand, since the beginning of the school year, we have been offering discounts (over 350 million tenge) to about 1,500 students. Therefore, you also need to understand us», said the rector.

It is worth noting that under the leadership of the rector, a special headquarters was created in order to provide maximum support and control over the safety of our teachers and students in emergency situations and to provide learning tools in the distance learning process. In order to support scholarships to students, the salary for teachers and staff was issued on April 15.

It was also emphasized that the entire university staff supported the actions «We are together» and «Stay Home». «Izgilik Elshishi» volunteers, along with charity events, provide legal assistance to low-income families with targeted social assistance.

The meeting was very productive and at a high level. Students, parents, teachers have the opportunity to send questions to the rector`s personal mail and blog.


Link: Answers to questions posed at the online meeting with rector Takir Balykbayev