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Academic debt of a student arises from a low rating in a subject, receiving an unsatisfactory grade on an exam, or failing to appear for an exam. In such cases, the student does not accumulate the required number of credits to complete the current academic period.

The Registrar`s Office sends consolidated reports with final assessment results to the faculty dean`s office, which identifies students with academic debts.

If a student misses classes during the semester, the instructors refer them to the dean`s office for obtaining a permit. In the dean`s office, a record is made in the Permit Issuance Journal. The student must provide a written explanation or a certificate justifying their absence. After determining the reason for the absence, the dean`s office decides whether to grant or deny the permit to attend classes.

The dean`s office issues permits based on:
- The submitted explanation;
- Objective proof of the valid reason for the absence (e.g., a draft notice).

If there are significant unexcused absences (more than 40 hours), the dean`s office has the right to recommend the student`s expulsion or revoke their scholarship.

Expulsion is formalized by a rector`s order.

If a student has missed a non-critical number of classes for valid reasons (e.g., illness), they are allowed to independently study the missed material.

The self-study of missed material is monitored by the instructor through tests, assignments, essays, reports, etc.

In the case of unexcused absences, additional disciplinary measures may be applied:
- Calling the student`s parents;
- An interview with the advisor.

Disciplinary measures aim to identify the reasons for absences. If there are issues related to social and living conditions, the advisor may request the dean`s office to improve these conditions.

If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade:
- Students without a passing grade in the subject are not allowed to take the intermediate exam;
- Students who have not submitted coursework are not allowed to take the exam for the corresponding subject;
- In certain cases (due to illness, family, or work circumstances, with appropriate documentation), the student may take exams according to an individual schedule;
- To retake an exam and improve an unsatisfactory grade, the student may enroll in the next academic period or summer semester on a paid basis, complete the current and intermediate assessments, obtain permission, and take the final knowledge assessment.

The advisor identifies the reasons for absences or poor performance based on current and intermediate assessments. The advisor, together with the dean`s office, organizes necessary assistance for students who are underperforming for valid reasons. The advisor continues to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of planned measures.

The instructor monitors the student`s progress in overcoming academic debts by:
- Scheduling consultations if needed;
- Organizing makeup sessions if necessary;
- Setting deadlines for intermediate assessments according to individual schedules (if the student has valid reasons for missing the exam);
- Conducting repeat intermediate assessments;
- Keeping necessary records (journals, intermediate assessment reports).

A student who receives an unsatisfactory grade in the final assessment is expelled from the university by the rector`s order as "failing to meet the educational program requirements: failing to defend the thesis or master`s dissertation" or "failing to meet the educational program requirements: failing to pass the comprehensive exam."

A student who did not pass the final assessment may be allowed to retake it in the next academic year by the rector`s order. The retake includes only the forms in which the student previously received an unsatisfactory grade.

Continuous analysis of records (intermediate assessment reports) is conducted to identify the causes of academic debts. This is the responsibility of the dean`s office. Statistical methods are recommended for this analysis. If 80% of the group`s debts are related to one subject, the following actions are taken:
- Informing the head of the corresponding department;
- Analyzing the distribution of debts among the subject`s instructors, and if 80% are related to one instructor, further investigation focuses on that instructor`s work;
- Surveying both high-performing and low-performing students;
- Conducting a targeted internal audit of the subject`s educational and methodological support, evaluation criteria, and methods;
- Holding unscheduled open classes if necessary;
- Holding an open department meeting with directorate representatives to identify the causes of unusual student debts and decide on corrective actions.

The exact cause of discrepancies must be identified; general reasons are not acceptable. Corrective actions must be developed and implemented immediately, with the department head responsible for oversight. If the cause is related to a specific instructor, they must develop and implement corrective actions.

A student on a government educational grant who does not earn the required credits can retake the necessary subjects on a paid basis.