қазақша · русский · english

Rules of the organization of educational process on credit technology of education (CTE) are developed in accordance with subparagraph 25) of Article 5 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 27, 2007 «On Education» and determine the organization of educational process on credit technology of education in the organizations of higher and (or) postgraduate education.


CTE is carried out on the basis of selection and independent planning of an individual educational trajectory of students, aimed at the achievement of learning outcomes.


The main objectives of the organization of the educational process in the framework of CTE are:
1) unification of the scope of knowledge;
2) Creation of conditions for maximal individualization of learning;
3) strengthening the role and effectiveness of students` independent work;
4) identification of learners` learning achievements based on an effective and transparent control procedure.


In the organization of the educational process on credit technology learning volume of each academic discipline is an integer number of academic credits. In this case, the discipline is assessed by the volume of not less than 5 academic credits.


The organization of the educational process within one academic year is based on the academic calendar, which is approved by the decision of the Academic Council.


The academic calendar reflects the periods of study sessions, interim and final attestations, professional practices and other types of academic work during the academic year, rest days (holidays).


Each academic period ends with the period of interim attestation of students.


Each academic discipline is studied in one academic period and ends with a final control.


Allowed to introduce a summer semester (except for the final course) of at least 6 weeks to meet the needs for additional training, elimination of academic arrears or differences in curriculum, study subjects and learning credits by students in other educational organizations with their mandatory re-credit in their organization of higher and (or) postgraduate education, improving the grade point average (GPA), the development of a related or additional educational program, including in the frame of the curriculum.


Planning the amount of academic work is based on the assumption that one academic credit is equal to 30 academic hours for all types of work. One academic hour for all types of academic work is equal to 50 minutes.


Academic achievements (knowledge, abilities, skills and competencies) of students are evaluated in points according to the 100-point scale, corresponding to the internationally accepted alphabetic system with a digital equivalent (positive grades, in descending order, from «A» to «D», and «unsatisfactory» - «FX», «F») and grades according to the traditional system.


In order to improve the quality of the implementation of the educational programme and to ensure the objectivity of the evaluation of students` learning achievements, the processes of learning and final control are separated.


Organization of academic mobility, including international credit mobility of students


To ensure the academic mobility of students students learn some disciplines in other educational institutions, including abroad.


In this case a bilateral agreement is concluded between the organizations of education.

In order to participate in international credit mobility it is necessary to know a foreign language at the level provided by the receiving organization of education.

The final document confirming the study of the student under the mobility program is a transcript or its equivalent in the host country.


In the transcript entered information about the training program: the names of disciplines (module), grades, the number of mastered academic credits.


Learning results that are mastered in full by learners in the framework of academic mobility and confirmed by a transcript shall be re-credited by the HEI on a compulsory basis.