қазақша · русский · english
Law department
 Orazgali Alimzhan Dauletbayevich
Acting Head of the Department for Legal, Documentary and Archive Affairs

Dostyk ave., 13
 +7(727)-291-40-19, 291-48-74, 291-84-04, Fax:291-37-23


The legal department, being guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, by normative acts, published in accordance with it and the Charter of the University monitors the observance of the law in the educational institution.

It prepares documents, signs contracts, represents university interests in court and other bodies, and makes demands for the issuance of legal documents.

It enforces the law of the university, protects the university`s property and other rights and interests in accordance with the law. The department clarifies and disseminates the current laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and participates in the development of normative acts, orders and other legal decisions.