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PGCE Unified Program Working Group Meeting


On December 23, 2019, a meeting of the working group on the development of a unified retraining course program (PGCE) was held at Abai KazNPU in order to access the teacher`s professional activities.


The meeting was attended by representatives of the Kazakh National Women`s Teacher training University, Taraz State Pedagogical University, South Kazakhstan State Pedagogical University, Almaty Kazakh State Humanitarian and Pedagogical College No. 1, online - Kostanai State Pedagogical University named after U.Sultangazina and Pavlodar State Pedagogical University On the development of a unified course program, proposals were submitted by the NAE named after I. Altynsarin, Nazarbayev University, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools, Higher Pedagogical College named after Zh.Dosmukhamedov, Education Department of the West Kazakhstan region.


There was an active discussion of the content of the project; all constructive proposals will be included in the refresher course program (PGCE).