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Meeting with representatives of Sichuan Pedagogical University

On November 14, 2023, at the Department of Oriental philology and translation of the Institute of Philology of Abai KazNPU, a meeting was held with representatives of the Sichuan Pedagogical University (Chengdu, Sichuan province, China). The organizer of the event is the Department of international cooperation of our university.

The meeting was attended by the director of the Department of academic affairs of the Chinese University Hou ban pin, director of international exchange and cooperation Zhang Hunyin, director of the Faculty of Fine Arts and calligraphy Liu Zhuang Jun, deputy head of the Department of Russian language Li Siki, executive director of the Center for development and cooperation of Shanhe Natalia Sturlister and Deputy Director of the Institute of Philology of Abai Kaznpu Naimanbayev A. A., head of the Department of Oriental philology and translation Konkabayeva N. N., teachers of the Department of Oriental philology and translation Meirkhan S., Raeva A., Toktarbek S., employees of the Department of international cooperation Zhaydary A. and Umirzak A. took part.

The purpose of the event is to discuss the possibilities of cooperation and exchange between the two universities, for example, scientific partnership between teachers, joint training of students and mutual recognition of credit units, as well as the signing of a framework agreement on cooperation and a dual degree program, conducting summer training courses. At the end of the meeting, the parties presented each other with memorable gifts.







